CUTES Europe liquid ring vacuum pumps are efficient and heavy duty industrial vacuum pumps with suction capacities from 300 to 30,000 m3/hr for operating pressures in the range of 30 mbar Abs. to 3 barA.
Single stage liquid ring vacuum pumps.
Heavy Duty Shrouded Impeller and Conical Porting Design allow the pump to handle carry over of liquids and soft solids without damage.
CNN-400 to CNN-9000 suction capacities up to 18,000 m3/h
C V P - R A N G E
Single stage liquid ring vacuum pumps. with the cones design a wide choice of connection positions is possible, for example discharge to the bottom, to the left or to the right.
CVP-50 to CVP-130 suction capacities up to 30,000 m3/h
C E 1 R A N G E
Single stage liquid ring vacuum pumps. with flat port plates (distributors) top inlet and discharge
suction capacities up to 30,000 m3/h
Conferences, exhibitions
CUTES Europe is participating to the following trade shows: ACHEMA, Frankfort (D) MIAC, Lucca (I) ZELLCHEMING, Wiesbaden (D)