Milestones |
2 0 0 9 conferences, exhibitions: Oct. 2009: MIAC, Lucca, I June 2009: ZELLCHEMING, Wiesbaden, D May 2009: ACHEMA, Frankfort
2 0 0 8 conferences, exhibitions: Oct. 2008: MIAC, Lucca, I Sept. 2008: Progress, Cracow, PL June 2008: ZELLCHEMING, Wiesbaden, D May 2008: SCPI, Stockholm, S
2 0 0 7 Cutes Europe established a network of distributors and service centers in Southern-Europe conferences, exhibitions: Oct. 2007: MIAC, Lucca (Italien) June 2007: ZELLCHEMING, Wiesbaden
2 0 0 6 Cutes Europe started the distribution in Europe. conferences, exhibitions: May 2006: ACHEMA, Frankfort
C U T E S I M P O R T A N T M I L E S T O N E S 2001 Cutes Corp. established a new Branch in Shangai, China.
2000 Cutes Corp. established a new Branch in Tungwan, China.
1994 ISO 9001 Certification of quality control system.
1992 Changed the name to Cutes Corp.
1991 Merged Sun-Eny Electric Co. Ltd business with Cute Ind. Corp.
1978 Established Cute Industry Corp. at Chung-Li, Taiwan Manufacturing large vacuum pumps mainly for the paper industry.
1974 Established Sun-Eny Electric Co. Ltd in Hsin-Chuang, Taiwan Manufacturing industrial electronic, motor speed controls, automatic system.